Danetki will help you have fun in a friendly company, play with children, while away the time on the road, and they also develop logic and make you think outside the box.

History of creation
The creator of Danetki is the Briton Paul Sloan, who worked for a long time at the well-known IBM company. Only here the Danets are in no way connected with computer technology, it is rather an innovation in thinking. So Paul Sloan became famous as an author on the development of creativity, training of the mind and logical thinking.
What are Danets and what are they like?
In fact, this is a riddle, but only it does not require a specific answer-word, but it requires unraveling the situation, explaining how it was and why. Most often they are united by some theme: funny, scary, mysterious danets. The most popular are detective dunettes.
Rules of the game
You can play together, but the more players, the better. One person will read a riddle (let's call him a master), others will guess it. To guess the riddle and understand the meaning of the situation is possible only by asking questions. Questions should be such that you can get a short answer from the master "yes" or "no". Sometimes the master may use the answer "not essential" or ask you to reformulate the question. By asking questions, the players receive additional information. The essence of the game is not just a solution, but also the right questions. Perhaps one correctly asked question will give insight.
Dunette example
Before the players get to the correct version of the questions, a lot can be asked, but here are the key ones:
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Where can I find Danetki?
Now Danetki have become very popular. There are special books or sets of cards, where the Danets are also distributed in different directions. You can also use the internet.