There are many games for which nothing but a big company is needed. They allow not only to have fun, but also to get to know the members of the team better. One of these games is forfeits. There are several options for playing it.

Step 1
The presenter begins the game with a short poem:
They sent you a hundred rubles.
Buy what you want
Do not take black, white, Don't say yes and no!
It contains the rules: the participants are forbidden to pronounce such words as "yes", "no", "black", "white".
Step 2
Then the presenter starts a dialogue with the participants in the game. He asks each of them various questions, and this is done not in a circle, but as the leader himself wishes. The purpose of these questions is to get one of the participants to say the forbidden word. The more provocative the questions are, the better.
Step 3
After someone said one of the forbidden words, he gives the host a fant. After several losers, the process of buying out forfeits begins. To redeem the phantom, you must complete the task that the other participants in the game will come up with for the loser. This version of the game forfeits is well suited for children.
Step 4
Another option is as follows. Participants write any assignments in advance on pieces of paper. After that, the presenter gathers them together in a hat, bag, or any other secluded place. In another bag, one thing is collected from each person, which are called phantoms.
Step 5
Next, the leader, in turn, takes out first a note with the task, and then one of the things. The one who owns this thing performs the task written in the note.
Step 6
There is also another modification of the second version of the game. Instead of writing notes, one person is selected (he himself is a participant) and placed with his back to everyone else. The presenter takes one of the things out of the bag, and the selected person comes up with a task that the owner of the fantasy must complete. The likelihood that it was his own phantom that was taken out behind his back reduces a person's appetites for coming up with the most tricky tasks. However, sometimes it can be difficult to stop a player who is too carried away.