For many years board games have been helping people to spend their free time in an interesting way. One of the most popular is backgammon. This entertainment was originally considered the privilege of kings, and today anyone can play them. Backgammon rules are quite simple and depend on the type of game.

Step 1
There are long and short backgammon. Before the start of the game, each of the participants builds a column of 15 checkers inserted into one hole along the left side of the board. This position is called "head", and making a move with a checker from the initial hole means "taking from the head". You can take no more than one checker from the head in one move. But if on the first move the player has a double, he has the opportunity to go off his head with two checkers.
Step 2
In order to determine which of the players has the right to the first move, the participants roll one die (dawn). The one with the highest number goes first, and if the numbers coincide, then one more throw is made.
Step 3
In the course of the game, each player rolls two times, and has the right to move one checker by the number of holes equal to the sum of the drawn numbers, or two checkers: one for as many cells as dropped on the first die, and the other on the second. That is, for example, if six or four fell, then the player either moves one chip by 10 cells, or two: the first by 6, and the second by 4.
Step 4
The rules prohibit moving two tokens by the number of cells equal to the number of points dropped on only one die. For example, if you rolled two or three, you cannot move both counters three cells.
Step 5
If a double has dropped out early, the player must make four moves and move the pieces by the number of points dropped on one of the dice.
Step 6
In the case when a continuous horizontal row of six of your pieces is lined up in front of the opponent's checker, it is called locked, and cannot participate in the game until your row is broken. The formation of such lines is one of the tactics aimed at thwarting an opponent. In this case, it is forbidden to lock all the opponent's checkers - at least one of them must be in play. It is also forbidden to place your chip on a hole occupied by an opponent.
Step 7
If numbers fall on early, which in this game situation it is impossible to move any of the player's pieces, all points are burned out, and the right to move goes to the opponent.
Step 8
If a player can make a move on the number of cells that fell out only on one of the darts, and cannot use the points of the second, then he must make a possible move, even if it is not profitable. It is prohibited to refuse a full stroke.
Step 9
The winner in the party is the one who will be able to quickly complete a full circle, bring all his checkers home and, after they are all gathered in this position, throw them out of the game.
Step 10
The basic rules for short backgammon are the same as for long backgammon. Several differences make this game a little more dynamic and more addictive.
Step 11
In short backgammon, it is possible to beat the opponent's checker, if you calculate the move so that your chip goes through it. In this case, the opponent's checker is put out of the field, and yours takes its place. The ability to place your chips in one hole on top of each other allows you to protect them from battle. It is forbidden to hit the opponent's checker, and then put your counter on top of another, and thereby hide from the blow. You can beat and move on, or beat, and then put the second chip on top of the beat.
Step 12
A piece is considered to be locked in short backgammon, in front of which there are six pairs of doubled pieces of the opponent.
Step 13
The opponent does not have the right to move any of the pieces until he is charged with a bat. This term means that to start the game, he must enter his battered piece into the field with the initial position in the opponent's house so that to enter his house it needs to go through 19 cells. You can recharge two chips with a stone (a combination of points on two days), and if a double fell, then four chips can be put into the game, if the opponent's double checkers do not interfere with it.
Step 14
In short and long backgammon, there are also several subspecies of games, the rules of which may vary somewhat.