Each card in the Spider-Man Heroes & Villains series features a Marvel comic book character. Each hero and villain has its own qualities, such as strength, intelligence, speed, fighting skills and special skills. In addition, cards can not only be collected but also played.

Step 1
Distribute cards equally to all players. Have each player turn the first card from their pile face up. Agree or determine with the help of a counting rhyme who will be the first player. He must select the category with the highest scores on the card and name it. The second player looks for the named category among his cards and reads out the number of points that correspond to it. If the first player has more points on the card, then he wins the first round and takes the opponent's card. After that, both cards must be put at the very bottom of your pile. The winner is the one who has all the cards.
Step 2
Collect the cards of all players, shuffle and deal equally, leaving one and placing it face up. Pre-agree on which category of parameters you would like to play. It can be strength, intelligence, agility, etc. The first player must place a card on top that exceeds the initial one in terms of its parameters. The following players do the same until someone can beat the top card. The player whose card cannot be beaten takes the entire pile for himself. The winner is the one with the most cards.
Step 3
Arrange the twelve cards face down in two rows. Place two more cards separately. Take any card and name the category of parameters by which you will play. The second player must take a card from the row opposite. The parameters of both cards are compared and the one who has the larger ones takes both cards for himself. The player with the most cards wins. If the cards are evenly distributed, resolve the dispute with two pending cards.
Step 4
Distribute the cards in such a way that no one can see their front in advance. Define the category of parameters by which you will compare the cards. Put bonus cards aside. Choose one card at the same time with your opponent from your piles. Compare them for the selected category of parameters. The one with the best parameters wins the round and takes the cards. Take all your opponent's cards to win the game.