It is not easy to make artificial flowers, but it is possible. If you work hard, then such flowers from afar will completely pass for real ones and will decorate your interior no worse than their living and smelling counterparts.

Step 1
Let's start in order. The stem, which is the base of any flower, can be made from sturdy wire wrapped in cotton and paper. A thin stem can be made by wrapping the wire with one paper, and a thick one with cotton wool, which is then wound with paper. This activity requires a certain skill, so it is useful to lubricate the wire with a thin layer of paste or office glue.
Step 2
Petals, leaves and stamens. They are mostly made from fabric. Chiffon, silk, chintz or calico are not so important.
Step 3
Artificial flower elements made of fabric must be starchy. This requires a composition. We prepare it as follows: pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. At the same time, we dilute a tablespoon with a heap of potato starch or flour in cold water and pour it all into boiling water, stirring occasionally. If there are lumps, filter the jelly through cheesecloth.
Step 4
Starch the fabrics, spreading them on an oilcloth and covering them with a thin layer of cooled jelly. Cotton fabrics can be dipped slightly wrinkled in hot starch jelly, after which they must be wrung out and dried in a suspended state. Silk fabrics are best gelatinized.
Step 5
The gelatinous composition is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of gelatin are poured into a glass of cold water, we insist for an hour, add a glass to the top and heat in a metal bowl until the gelatin dissolves. Just do not boil the solution at any time.
Step 6
We make the patterns from thick cardboard and sign them so as not to confuse them. We paint the petals and other parts with paints previously dissolved in boiling water. Before painting the petals, we dip them in cold water and wring them out.