How To Congratulate Girls On A Holiday

How To Congratulate Girls On A Holiday
How To Congratulate Girls On A Holiday

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Men, at whose work most of the team are women, very often puzzle over how to congratulate the fair sex on a holiday. It is especially difficult to do this on March 8, when gifts need to be given to everyone, without exception, from the cleaning lady to the CEO.

How to congratulate girls on a holiday
How to congratulate girls on a holiday


Step 1

If you are planning a solemn presentation of gifts, which will be attended by all the fair sex who are present in the office, the gifts must necessarily be equal, or even better the same. If you want to surprise someone with a more expensive surprise, do it in person, tete-a-tete.

Step 2

It is not necessary to buy expensive gifts, the main thing is that they are useful. You should not give plush toys - they will definitely be thrown on the far shelf. Think about what every woman might like. Be original. Order champagne with photos of employees on the bottle. It is not expensive at all - from two hundred and fifty to a thousand rubles, depending on the type of wine. Such a surprise will be remembered for a long time. The alcoholic drinks will be drunk, and the container will be preserved as a valuable exhibit.

Step 3

Try to write a separate greeting for each lady. It will take some time, but an individual approach is always much more pleasant than a collective speech. Let it be two or three lines. Describe in them the best features of each employee - responsibility, hard work, originality, creativity, loyalty, etc. Don't just touch on external data. By singling out someone, you will cause discontent or even envy of the rest of the team.

Step 4

Send the female part of the team to the spa. These procedures are always pleasant and always in place. Give each a certificate of attendance. Let the ladies choose a time convenient for themselves and spend it on maintaining a beautiful appearance.

Step 5

If the budget of the enterprise does not plan large sums for gifts, present flowers to the ladies. It's always nice. Present the bulbs in pots - let the girls grow them themselves. These can be spring varieties of plants - daffodils, hyacinths, etc. All of them perfectly exist in indoor conditions and will delight their owners with their flowering for at least seven to fifteen days.
