What to give a girl for 18 years old? After all, many of the fair sex are looking forward to and at the same time a little worried about becoming adults. The girl is already on her way to freedom from parents, orders and prohibitions! Now no one is a decree to her, but at the same time there is an adult life, full of responsibility and unexplored problems. It is the day on which the girl becomes an adult that is a particularly important meaning in her life, so this day needs to be special for her.

Step 1
A romantic dinner with a huge bouquet of flowers and a lot of colorful balloons with attached postcards signed for the best girl in the world can be a great idea. At the same time, you can write a variety of messages in postcards, but it is important that they are pleasant, beautiful and sincere. In general, romance should come first on this day.
Step 2
Some girls do not want to rush to grow up, and such birthday girls will be pleased to receive as a gift something childishly cute, for example, a large plush toy, soap bubbles, a game console. You can have a lot of fun with these gifts.
Step 3
Although other females feel already quite old on this day, and with children's gifts, you can look at least ridiculous and stupid. For them, the gift must be appropriate. An excellent choice would be a ticket to a concert of her favorite band or a beautiful decoration. Here, undoubtedly, it all depends on the size of the wallet and the way to surprise and make the girl happy.
Step 4
You can devote a poem or a song of your own composition to the birthday girl, give a puppy or a kitten, good expensive perfume, a gift certificate to a store, a beauty salon, a gym, a spa. You can use the classic scheme and give a box of chocolates and a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Step 5
Perhaps the girl has long wanted some thing that she has mentioned more than once. Listen to her words, and you will understand what she will be insanely happy for her birthday. An e-book, tablet or laptop is also a great option.
Step 6
She will undoubtedly appreciate a handmade gift. For example, you can make a beautiful postcard for her or surprise her with your culinary skills. You can order a beautiful portrait depicting the birthday girl.
Step 7
An interesting option is a gift that is fraught with adrenaline. It can be a parachute jump, river rafting, hiking, horseback riding. As a result, she will receive a lot of emotions as a gift.
Step 8
If finances allow you, you can present your companion with a mobile phone, jewelry or a trip to another country where she would like to visit. The top can be a car, if the girl has a license. You can give money, and she herself will choose the right gift for herself.
Step 9
In general, there are a lot of options for gifts, for every taste and wallet. The main thing is that it should be carefully thought out and given from the heart, with the best wishes.