How Best To Congratulate Mom

How Best To Congratulate Mom
How Best To Congratulate Mom

On my mother's birthday, I want to arrange a grandiose holiday for her, to congratulate her in a particularly impressive way. The main thing is not to overdo it with the originality and extreme nature of the gift, it is better to focus on the classic options, adding your love and tenderness to them.

How best to congratulate mom
How best to congratulate mom

Homemade card for mom

A great way to congratulate a loved one is a homemade postcard. It can be made from cardboard or thick velvet paper. As decorations, you can choose fabric with a beautiful pattern, lace, beads, etc. From these materials, you can make a frame for the design of the congratulatory text.

The fabric is perfect as a kind of cover, and from beads, ribbons, seeds, dried leaves, etc. you can lay out the landscape. You can paste a photo of your mother into the picture and decorate it with foil hearts. If the card is openable, tie it with a beautiful satin ribbon or lace border.

It will not be superfluous to supplement the postcard with an original homemade accessory, for example, tie a special case for it. Your embroidery can also act as a cover for a postcard.

How to organize a party for mom

When the greeting memento is ready, think about the process for the celebration. Depending on the nature and preferences of the mother, organize a themed party in a suitable institution or a cozy family holiday at home. If you are a good cook, try to make all the food for the celebration yourself. You can bake the cake yourself, but you can also order it. Choose the shape and congratulation that the pastry chefs will write on their product.

In addition to a postcard, you can prepare an oral congratulation in the form of a sincere speech. Don't overdo it with the solemnity of the text. Mom will be more likely to be touched by your sincerity than by the arrogance of your phrases. Also, do not make the speech too long, otherwise the guests will not have time to insert their words to the address of the hero of the day.

Oral congratulations can be submitted not only as a speech, but also as a song or a personally invented poem. If there are several children in the family, you can jointly come up with a small play or break the congratulatory text into several roles.

A large postcard decorated in the form of a picture will look original. If you can draw, try painting the landscape of an island paradise for your mom where you want to send her to rest. Make a special box for the gift. To do this, sheathe an ordinary cardboard box with a beautiful cloth or glue it over with velvet paper, do not forget to tie the lid with a satin or lace ribbon. But the most important thing is to attach a ticket to these paradise islands!

Another unusual greeting will be a speech by an announcer on local television or radio. Specify in advance what programs and radio stations, at what specific time your mother watches and listens. Do not forget that such a congratulation imposes additional requirements on the text of the speech, so try to think it over as carefully as possible.
