When planning a wedding, we think about global things - about the plan, the colors of the wedding, but we forget about the little things. And on the day of the celebration, it turns out that something is missing, something was not in time!
Psychological factor
- Sleep … All advice in the spirit of "get enough sleep", "go to bed early" is ineffective, because the bride and groom, as a rule, will not go to bed on time. It's all to blame for a lot of things, preparation and nerves. And because of nerves, sometimes brides cannot sleep. The start of the celebration is scheduled for 11 am, and the bride jumps up at 5 am and cannot sleep. She rushes around the apartment, checks everything and does not allow herself to rest. Here it is easier to advise - "calm down", although for those who cannot calm down in any way, you need to give this advice: "study yourself, start the celebration or earlier, or postpone preparation for the morning, and do not delay until late at night." Also, talk to those who create your image so that they take into account those "minuses" on the face that will appear after a sleepless night. Listen to music that is pleasant for you in the morning - this will set you up for a positive.
- Breakfast and lunch. Just as we were taught in childhood that breakfast gives us energy for the day - so it works at a wedding.
- Calm, only calm! Nerves, nerves, nerves! A wedding is nerves! Don't worry, you can calm them down. Have some cognac. This will help to relieve pressure and calm down. This is not just a joke, but real advice from many wedding planners. But don't overdo it! You can take a mild sedative. Try to make an emotional outburst. Sing, shout, take a contrast shower, play shooter while you are going. Although this is ridiculous advice, it is very effective.
Think about your attractiveness
On my way. As a rule, our entrances and streets are not a sterile hospital room, so it would be very unpleasant to spoil the outfit. Think about how to protect yourself and take essential cleaning products with you to the celebration
Attention to everyone is always pleasant
Guests. A wedding is your celebration, but it is also done for your family and friends. The entertainment program at the banquet is the basis. But! You need to think about an activity for guests while you are at the photo shoot. A museum, a walk around the city, a buffet table, a mini-entertainment program - this is your creativity
Clarity, conciseness are your assistants
- The documents. Passports, certificates should be with you, but not get in your hands.
- Coordinator. If we talk about holding a holiday, then a wedding coordinator will help. He will solve all the problems and take into account the details. Friends or a facilitator are often the facilitators.
- Make a list of the things you need. We offer our own (without the necessary individual inventory). Some things are designed for summer, some for winter, but most are a basic combination for all seasons.

33-point essentials list
- Sewing kit (threads of all colors: black, white; needles of all sizes; pins; scissors);
- Black and white markers (to fix scratches on shoes, clothes, etc.);
- Universal glue;
- Glasses, glasses (spare and just to quench your thirst);
- Drinking water;
- Water for hand washing;
- Soap;
- First aid kit (each one needs his own medicine, but also make a first aid kit for guests to exclude severe burns, for example, or a heart attack);
- Spare nylon tights, stockings (for the bride and for guests);
- Nail polish (colorless, in order to save clothes from arrows and holes);
- Dry wipes, wet wipes;
- Umbrellas (for all guests and beautiful for newlyweds, even if it is winter, because hail or rain and snow may fall);
- Sunglasses (not only from the sun, but also from dust that can get into the eyes);
- The fans are beautiful (for newlyweds, to escape the heat elegantly);
- Micellar water for the bride (so that she can refresh herself without prejudice to makeup);
- Money (you never know what);
- Additional bouquet (bouquets are often scattered or can simply fall into the mud);
- Organizer (phone numbers of everyone, all the subtleties and all the documentation that you have prepared);
- Passports, other documents;
- House and car keys;
- Charger, Power Bank and necessary add-ons for the phone;
- Toothpicks, dental floss;
- Cosmetics (primarily powder and lipstick for the bride);
- Bleach and other dressing cleaners;
- Cleaning products for shoes;
- Spare shoes (ballet flats for tired feet, second shoes);
- Details of the outfit and hairstyles of the newlyweds (to eliminate the problems that have arisen);
- Warm clothing (both winter and summer);
- Deodorant, perfume;
- Batteries for cameras and other equipment;
- Underwear (sometimes it comes in handy, here everyone decides for himself);
- Lighter;
- Peppermint candies (for fresh kisses).