Everything seems to be ready: a dream dress, a luxurious hall for a celebration, and thousands of little things for the main holiday in the fate of every girl … But in your heart you understand that all this is not yours, and you do not want any wedding. In this situation, you need to calm down, analyze what is happening and - maybe - cancel the marriage.

Step 1
Just nerves
Listen to yourself: what made you think about canceling your wedding? If you are faced with problems of understanding with relatives, frankly discuss them with the other half. You need to learn how to do it now. Maybe your prudence is letting you down because of the excitement. While time permits, arrange a small timeout, spend the weekend with your future husband, without running around salons, workshops, catering. Try to delegate at least some of the preparations to trusted friends, or hire a steward. Most likely, having calmed down and rested, you will realize that you got excited about canceling the wedding.
Step 2
Someone else's wedding
If the groom himself is irritating, analyze your relationship with him. What is it:
- crazy passion?
- the desire to escape from parental care?
- a desire to prove to your girlfriends that you are not worse than them?
- pressure from relatives who consider your chosen one a profitable party?
- the realization that it's high time for you?
As you can imagine, none of the above options is a reason for getting married. Answer yourself honestly to the question: why am I getting married?
Step 3
Better a horrible end than endless horror
Once you've made a firm decision to cancel your wedding, stand your ground. Parents and other relatives, most likely, will persuade you to marry after all, motivating you with the ancient wisdom “if you endure it, you will fall in love”. Be consistent, you act, though cruel, but honest with respect to the other half. The reality is that few people will find it convenient to praise you for this act, but know for yourself: the courage to refuse an unwanted wedding is more worthy than a “chance” wedding and the subsequent divorce.