Most of us, according to sociologists, spend half of our conscious life on work. And many more than half, because they neglect, leave a good rest for later.

What does such a frantic and monotonous rhythm lead to? To professional burnout, a gradual loss of interest not only in the chosen business, but in life in general.
Career or health?
Part-time workweeks, vacations in the middle of the work process even scare many of us. Say, during this time, so many cases can accumulate that later you will have to work even more intensively.
But psychologists say that such fears should be said goodbye, otherwise you can lose your health. Multiple studies have confirmed that people who regularly take vacation are less susceptible to cardiovascular disorders, they have significantly less ischemic attacks, heart attacks and strokes. Those who work in a tighter schedule are more likely to suffer diseases caused by lowered immunity and severe depression.
Correct vacation scheme
However, not every break in work can be called a rest.
Most consider a long, lazy "wallow" somewhere on the beach to be an ideal option and an excellent therapy. However, German researchers led by sociologist Sabina Sonnentag concluded that the main factors that allow the restoration of physical strength and mental energy are:
- relaxation;
- the control;
- hobby;
- alienation.
As you can see, the length of the vacation is not that important. And to recover, you don't have to go to an exotic resort.
Perfect relaxation. Details
Relaxation, according to German researchers, is not achieved by passive doing nothing. On the contrary, vacation should be moderately active, akin to light, muscle-pleasing physical work.
Control in the context of rest means that you and only you decide how and where to spend your time, attention, physical strength. At work, the bosses, the schedule, the deadlines decide for us … Therefore, the very realization that you are in complete control of your own current life contributes to the restoration of physical and mental shape.
Hobbies - the more boring and monotonous your everyday work is, the higher its role. Feel free to indulge in your favorite pastime while you are on vacation.
Alienation - the importance of this condition was first voiced by Israeli sociologists. They observed conscripted reservists before and after their short service in the military. The employees who returned to the office from the army were noticeably more active than their “office” colleagues, radiated cheerfulness, and generated new ideas.
According to the researchers, such a change was facilitated by the alienation effect: in the army, those liable for military service did not maintain any contacts related to work, psychologically disconnected from it, which contributed to the restoration.
Alienation cannot be achieved if during your leisure hours you are in touch with your work - your manager, colleagues, clients. Scientists have repeatedly measured the level of cortisol (aka the stress hormone) in working test subjects and those who were resting, but stayed in touch. Unfortunately, these indicators were almost the same.
A week, two, or a month?
Now about how long the vacation should be optimal. Psychologists note that the vacationer begins to experience feelings of satisfaction, peace, joy on the very first day, and these feelings gradually increase. The peak of "holiday happiness" falls on the 8th day. Then there is a stabilization of emotions, and their gradual decrease, addiction.
It turns out that two weeks with your family, with your favorite hobby and disconnected phones / messengers, may well provide a quality vacation that replenishes your physical and energy potential.