Spending a weekend in nature is a must-see slide for any summer. But the quality of your vacation directly depends on how you prepared for your stay in conditions devoid of the usual urban comfort. After all, we are talking about resting in tents on the shores of a picturesque lake.

It is necessary
Machine, navigator, tent, foam, sleeping bag, flashlight, camera, bowler hat, tripod, plate, spoon, mug, knife, firewood, food, salt, ladle, towel, washing supplies, Panama, blanket, insect repellent, garbage bags …
Step 1
First you need to decide on a place where it will be beautiful, clean and not crowded. After all, we go to nature to take a break from the bustle of the city. Ideally, this is the shore of a lake. If you are with children, or if you are without them, there is still one less hazard on the water, such as a current. The lake, or the oxbow of the river, is an ideal place. As a rule, the further you are from the city, the less people will surround you. The simplest thing is to ask your friends, who already have experience of going out into nature, to tell you a suitable place. If there are none, look on the Internet, where people willingly share places of natural recreation. You can also refer to the maps, find a body of water that seems attractive to you, and again interview the fishermen and tourists you know - are they familiar with the landscape of the chosen place, is it suitable for recreation and swimming, or google information about it on the Internet. Focus on lakes surrounded by trees and sandy slopes to the water.

Step 2
When a place has been chosen, it is important to prepare inventory, without which a quality rest is impossible. To start
make a list of what is necessary and work out each point, so that later, being in nature, you do not grab your head that something important and necessary is not available.
The minimum set of a tourist is a tent, a sleeping bag, foam, so that cold does not come from the ground to your body, a kettle, salt and matches.
Then you take everything that will fill, diversify and facilitate your life in nature. The double tent can actually accommodate 3 people comfortably. Better to take a two-layer tent. If the rain catches up with you on vacation, even at night - the advantage of a two-layer tent will immediately manifest itself.
It is better to take a tripod to the bowler hat, so as not to look for improvised means in the forest later. And don't forget the ladle.
It is better to take metal dishes, it is easier to wash them in cold water with sand and grass. It is better not to use detergents outdoors. so as not to pollute the reservoir.
You must treat nature with care, so prepare garbage bags in advance so that you can take it out and leave it in the right place.
Don't forget mosquito, midge and tick repellent. These creatures can actually ruin your holiday. Therefore, in a separate pocket of a backpack, bag, in the glove compartment of a car, in general, in the most accessible place, place repellents and insect repellents.
Also think about what you will do in nature. Bring a ball, badminton, guitar, fishing gear with you.
Step 3
And when you have already found yourself in the chosen place, found a picturesque haven by the reservoir, it is important to equip a recreation area. Immediately it is worth deciding on places for a fire and for tents. It is not recommended to build a fire close to the car and tents, as sparks can fly strongly and damage both.
Make sure that the food does not stay in the sun. When night falls and you are going to sleep, it is better to either close all the inventory in a separate special tent, or hide it in the car. At night and in the morning, animals actively raid the camp in order to profit. Raccoons, foxes, dogs, cows, ants - everyone is eager to attack your food, and cows are able to chew things that are hung to dry. It happens that nearby tourists, just in search of thrills, come to pick up something that is poorly hidden. Therefore, secure yourself in advance.
And don't forget to bring at least one flashlight with you. At night it will definitely come in handy.

Step 4
Your stay in nature shouldn't make a lot of changes and noise in the harmonious picture that came before you. Loud music, abuse, bustle - all this is enough in the city. Feel the atmosphere of nature and enjoy it without barbarism. Firewood, coal - it is better to bring with you, or use only dead wood, dry fallen branches and logs for the fire.
Do not forget about the most important thing - arrange a photo session for yourself. Here nature is generous and disinterested, you can use the moment throughout your stay on vacation and take pictures.
Many leave behind mountains of scraps with the words - "this is organic, everything will decompose by itself." You are not the first and you are not the last who come here, so while everything decays, a whole dump will form. Therefore, literate and educated vacationers take all the garbage with them in garbage bags.