Venice is often referred to as the most romantic place on the planet. Monuments of medieval architecture, narrow water channels - and all this is surrounded by stunning landscapes. Of course, not everyone can afford to go to Venice, but you can arrange a wedding in the Venetian style! Such a celebration, at least for a while, can plunge you into the world of Italian grace, creating a cheerful atmosphere! Why not have a carnival at your wedding? After all, many couples are already deviating from tradition when decorating their weddings!

When decorating such a wedding, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. Start with invitations - design them in the form of postcards depicting Venice. But it's better to make them unusual - in the form of real carnival masks! Decorate them with pebbles, threads, ribbons, gathers! Then the guests will immediately understand what kind of wedding they were invited to!
The bride is advised to choose an A-cut dress. It must be like the outfits worn in Venice in the eighteenth century! Let the groom wear a white tailcoat or a bright tuxedo. Or you can rent real carnival costumes!
And let the guests observe the dress code, otherwise the impression of the wedding will be somewhat different if half of the guests are dressed in the spirit of Venice, and half in everyday things. So for girls, the best choice is dresses with corsets, and let men wear bright scarves around their necks or even tie sashes around their belts. And, of course, a mask - it will complement any look!
Hall decoration
The menu for such a wedding should include Italian cuisine. When decorating the hall, it is worth using various additions from feathers, masks and other elements, looking at which it immediately becomes clear that the wedding is taking place in the style of Venice!
Just imagine what kind of photos you will have as a souvenir after such a carnival wedding! You will want to recreate this holiday for yourself and your guests almost every anniversary!