There is a whole section of etiquette dedicated to giving and receiving gifts. Several standard rules are designed to make offerings truly enjoyable and reward givers with smiles. After all, this is the real meaning of the exchange of gifts.

Step 1
When choosing a gift, consider the age, tastes, social status of the recipient and the degree of your closeness with him. Present your boss or partner with official courtesies (flowers, sweets, business accessories, souvenirs); for loved ones - useful and pleasant things for home, recreation or personal use; friends - things that match their hobbies; loved ones - intimate gifts in accordance with the theme of the holiday.
Step 2
Consider the reason. For a wedding, birth of a child, housewarming, it is customary to give practical gifts: interior items, a dowry for a baby, money or gift certificates to shops. When presenting money as a gift, select new large bills and wrap them in an envelope (preferably sealed).
Step 3
Don't give too expensive gifts. A very valuable offering can embarrass the recipient and detract from other guests' gifts in comparison to yours. The exception is big holidays (for example, a wedding), when an impressive gift can be presented, but in a closed envelope (if it is money) or on the eve of a celebration (if it is a thing).
Step 4
Once on the other side - that is, as the recipient of the gift - accept the offerings with gratitude, expressed both in look, in words, and (as far as possible) in action. Be sure to remove the packaging in front of the donor, consider the gift and praise it. Be sure to immediately put flowers in a vase. Try on a piece of jewelry or accessory if circumstances permit. Place the interior detail in a prominent place. Treat other guests with sweets and drinks. Try to sincerely and heartily thank you for the gift, and for each one, so that guests with gifts of different value, nature and purpose feel that they have pleased you.
Step 5
Etiquette allows for the possibility of refusing a gift. Return the offering if it is too costly and the donor's relationship status prevents it from being accepted. Explain the reason for refusal clearly and directly. It is indecent to accept a gift after hesitation.