The bouquet is one of the most traditional gifts. However, the purchase of already decorated flowers is not always profitable. Moreover, decorative elements may not be suitable for the occasion or may not correspond to the preferences of the recipient. An excellent solution would be to arrange the bouquet yourself.

How to present a bouquet effectively
Modern bouquets are able to impress even the most discerning customer. Florists are constantly coming up with new ways to decorate flowers, using unexpected and very beautiful materials. However, it is difficult for these masterpieces to compete with bouquets collected and decorated on their own. Indeed, the donor puts a part of himself, his emotions and feelings into such gifts.
Beautifully decorating a bouquet is an interesting and exciting process. The easiest option is to create an unusual wrapper. As it, for example, you can use artificially aged paper, self-embroidered fabrics, a net woven from a thin wire, etc. Also, be creative in choosing a ribbon. It can be played by baubles made of threads, beaded lace, ring, fishing line with strung beads, etc.
You can decorate the bouquet in an original way with the help of soft toys. Small items will look best as decoration. Do not attach them to flowers: toys can damage plants. It is better to fix the additions on long sticks and insert into the bouquet.
The "candy + bouquet" set is a classic component present. This combination can be easily combined into a beautiful and effective gift. Wrap the sweets with cloth or colored crepe paper. Secure them to thin wire / sticks and add to the bouquet. Attach a small greeting card to the present.
Bouquet decoration during staging
Unfortunately, bouquets don't always look pretty. Sometimes the charm is lost due to an inappropriate vase, sometimes due to an illiterate florist approach. However, this situation can be easily corrected by beautifully arranging the bouquet during installation.
If the vase is too large for the presented bouquet, decorative stones placed on the bottom will help to fix it. Products made of colored glass look especially beautiful. Another option is to choose a smaller container without focusing on its appearance. Then place a small vase / glass / mug, etc. in a large vase, and decorate the free space. For example, add confetti, glitter, streamer. You can also lay a vase (which is without water) from the inside with colored or shiny paper, cloth.
If it seems to you that the bouquet looks disharmonious, feel free to disassemble it. For lonely flowers, pick up beautiful containers. Best: Long, narrow vases or high-necked bottles.
Very often the question arises: is it worth removing the beautiful rustling wrapper before installing the bouquet. If it looks nice and organic, unboxing can make it look shapeless and boring. If you are not satisfied with the general appearance of the presentation, feel free to take off the "outerwear" from it. Also, such "undressing" is relevant when placing several bouquets in one large container (for example, in a pre-arranged bucket).