Adults sometimes want to relax, to feel childishly carefree. To fool around a bit and make a joke from the heart. Give up the usual banquet and spend your birthday in an informal atmosphere, with laughter and practical jokes.

Step 1
It is generally accepted that cheerful holiday scenarios are only suitable for children's matinees. But adults can take the main plot of any famous fairy tale and based on it it is easy to compose their own idea. Believe that none of the guests will refuse to feel like a child for a while. Just be sure to warn people in advance how you want to celebrate the celebration. So that your respectable relative does not end up in an awkward situation, having received the role of a frivolous bunny, and your young niece does not have to play a decrepit old woman.
Step 2
Better to take a familiar and unpretentious work. For example, invite your friends to a tea party at the "Fly-tsokotukha". Show a little imagination, and your friends will be happy to depict a cheerful dance of bugs and butterflies in a forest glade, enjoy tea with bagels and berries. They will not refuse the offered funny contests, in which they can demonstrate their valiant prowess and show a cheerful disposition. The intrigue of the evening will be a duel between a formidable spider and a brave mosquito. His role, of course, will be played by the birthday man himself, accepting well-deserved gifts after the victory and being proud of his courage in saving the queen of the ball.
Step 3
If the presence of children is not planned at the party, then you can offer a more adult version of the birthday. Imagine the surprise and slight bewilderment of those invited to the celebration when several people burst into the hall in carnival masks and bright costumes. Flappers with serpentine and colorful confetti, dashing dance of evil pirates will make even a very serious person laugh. Organize a festive hostage-taking, which will be asked to immediately complete some simple task. And then be sure to drink to the health of the birthday man.
Step 4
For young and active people, a holiday scenario with a slight erotic hint is suitable. Play out the scene of the doctor's examination of the hero of the occasion. The role of his lovely nurses will be successfully performed by invited professional dancers, and use champagne as a medicine prescribed by the doctor. Bottles need to be decorated in advance (wrap in paper bags, hang labels with inscriptions). Do not be afraid to show your imagination, embody your desires more boldly - and then you will certainly get a bright unforgettable birthday.