When a gift is presented with humor, it brings bright colors and positiveness into the life of the recipient and the people around him. Still, a sense of humor is a great thing that prolongs life and makes it more pleasant and more beautiful.

What a joke gift to buy for your birthday
Check out a joke store. There you can often find various options for comic gifts, for example, a T-shirt or underpants with an ironic inscription, an Oscar statuette, a certificate, medal or certificate of a best friend, stage, artificial body parts, an apron in the form of a half-naked erotic woman, and so on.
If the person does not have a second half, buy him an inflatable doll of the opposite sex. This is a very funny gift with a hint. But it is suitable exclusively for the young generation; people over forty may even offend this gift.
Order the artist to draw a friendly cartoon or a caricature from a photo. Such a gift will make a real sensation, but only if the artist manages to catch the character of the birthday boy. Since it is more difficult to draw from a photograph than from life, lend the artist some photographs of your friend so that he can look at the person from different angles.
More creative ideas for a joke birthday gift
You can beat the congratulation in such a way as if the birthday boy was born today. Swaddle him, insert a pacifier into his teeth, drink juice from a baby bottle, feed him delicious fruit puree. When he passed all these tests, hand him a huge soft toy and wish him never to grow old in soul and always remain pure, sincere and open, like a child. A friend will appreciate your humor, and the gift will remind him of your original congratulations and give him joy.
You can make a nice comic birthday present yourself. Cut out from a magazine full-length, beautiful, funny, interesting people who correspond to the gender of the birthday person. Carefully stick them on whatman paper. Now take a photo of the addressee and cut out only his head from them. Stick the heads on top of the heads of those people who are depicted on glossy sheets, cut from magazines and pasted on whatman paper. The result is a funny collage, where, as if everywhere, the birthday person is depicted in different outfits, countries, places, poses, and so on.
Or you can sew a soft toy yourself in the shape of the birthday boy himself, but if you doubt that a person will appreciate your work and will not be offended by you, you better do not risk it. For example, your best friend, mom, dad, sister or brother will definitely appreciate your humor and will be happy with a toy sewn with your own hands with all their hearts.
Write a congratulation on the pavement with paint under his window at six in the morning, and make the birthday boy wake up, if he is still asleep, let him look out the window and see the first congratulation.