Gifts are always very difficult. Even for close people, choosing a gift is a real problem. What can we say about just acquaintances? However, there are a number of guidelines to help you guess with a birthday present.

People choose birthday gifts in different ways. Some prefer gifts that are useful for the household, some give souvenirs and trinkets. And some especially practical people prefer to arrange an interrogation with addiction to the future birthday boy before going to the store. Very often this approach justifies itself, and the birthday person (hero of the day) is forced to admit what he would like to receive as a gift from you.
However, in the case of small children, this does not work, and then you have to guess for yourself. Important: do not try to give practical items such as baby dishes, nipples, clothes. It is unlikely that you will guess how parents will react to such a gift. Give toys, rattles, educational rugs, but by all means of the highest quality.
Older kids can already tell what they want. And if there is no way to ask or the child's dreams look very fantastic, then give something developmental, appropriate for the child's age: a set for creativity, a learning toy, and the like. Such a thing is definitely not lying around. By the way, before buying something for a child, check with the seller for the age for which this item is intended.
It is difficult to guess with a gift for a teenager when it comes to some abstract teenager. Therefore, when choosing a gift, ask the young man or girl himself about what they would like to receive as a gift. Well, if there is no such opportunity, then donate money. The age of 14-16 already presupposes the presence of some needs, the satisfaction of which is impossible without a certain amount in your pocket. For example, a date with a friend at a sushi bar.
But it is shameful for an adult, successful person to give money for a birthday. Here you need to "navigate the terrain" Or, again, subject the birthday boy to interrogation with an addiction a la "what should I give you?"
Well, if everything is really bad, and a friend gets off with phrases like "nothing is needed, just come - I'll treat you to tea", then give him an impression. Today in many cities there are agencies that provide "experience as a gift" services. Moreover, the impressions can be very different: a flight in a hot air balloon, a visit to the spa, a tea ceremony, a dance lesson, piloting an airplane, a photography lesson, a yoga session with a personal instructor or underwater fishing. You just need to buy a certificate for the chosen adventure and present it to the birthday boy. And he himself will choose the time to use your gift.
And one more important point that should be taken into account when choosing gifts. Never, never, give a professional fisherman any piece of equipment: hooks, rods, reels, and more! The only exception can be if you are also a professional fisherman. The same rule applies to any other hobby. If you do not share his hobby with the birthday boy, it is better not to try to please with a gift related to his area of interest. You can't guess.