Birthday is a holiday from childhood. Therefore, each person on this day feels a little like a child and enjoys funny surprises from friends. The decoration of the birthday person's apartment will help to create a festive atmosphere in the morning.

Step 1
First of all, buy balloons. And more. You can release them to the ceiling, or you can simply attach them to various objects around the perimeter of the room.
Step 2
If a girl has a birthday, you can put her favorite flowers throughout the apartment. Imagine how pleasant it will be for her to be among the many roses or tulips!
Step 3
Create your own unique greeting posters and streamers. In the center is a photograph of a "newborn", around it is a collage of objects cut out from magazines - what you want him to.
Step 4
If the decoration of the apartment is being prepared directly for the time of the celebration, and the birthday person does not know anything about it, you can put all the gifts in one of the corners of the room in a beautiful pyramid in advance, put candles, and stretch the holiday poster as soon as he enters the room.
Step 5
Wall newspapers about the birthday person are also welcome. If you do not want to make an ordinary wall newspaper from photographs and captions to them, work with photoshop - substitute the portrait of the birthday person in various life situations and circumstances. And let it be a wall newspaper with wishes: what happens in life, and what passes by. The main thing here is to have a good sense of humor so as not to overdo it.
Step 6
On the door of the room, you can hang a decree on what the birthday person is allowed to do today (have fun, laugh out loud, meet guests, eat three pieces of cake) and what should not in any case (be sad, close the door in front of a random guest, eat the cake alone) …
Step 7
Use colored markers to frame wishes from each friend or family member on different paper. The birthday boy will be interested to read all the kind words that are written there.