Throughout the annual calendar, there are holidays that are loved and celebrated by certain categories of the population, and there are dates that are loved and celebrated by almost all people. It is to such dates that Christmas belongs - a favorite and significant holiday for everyone. It still remains one of the few family celebrations that remained significant after the many storms that swept over the world in the last century.

The celebration of Christmas has deep historical traditions, uniting different generations of one family, because everyone is pleased to get together with relatives at a solemnly laid table, where different generations are sitting next to them. Often, it is at the Christmas table that you can find mutual understanding between very different people who constantly do not have enough time to understand and feel each other. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, people often simply do not have enough time to communicate with those closest to them, it is not for nothing that at Christmas there is a tradition to return to the family hearth from the most remote corners of the world. In addition, this holiday has deep religious traditions that have come from time immemorial. After all, the story of the birth of the Savior helps people find something important in themselves. Even numerous attempts to eradicate true faith have not been successful, and the return of Christmas to the civil calendar shows that faith has a significant place in the hearts of people of all generations. Young children are interested in stories about the history of this holiday, and the beautifully designed nativity scene and theatrical performances have remained unchanged for more than two thousand years, passed down from generation to generation. The traditions of the celebration in many ways came from the pre-Christian era, and the very history of Christmas in Russia is closely connected with the history of the country. Many are accustomed to celebrating two holidays - according to the Catholic and Orthodox calendar, gathering people of different confessions at the family table. First, Christmas is celebrated along with most of the countries of the Christian world, which celebrate the holiday according to the Gregorian calendar, then the New Year comes, celebrated simultaneously by all people on the planet, and only then comes Orthodox Christmas. Twelve obligatory dishes are necessarily put on the festive table, and the appearance of the first star in the evening sky tells the world that Christ is born - praise him.