Matchmaking is an old Russian wedding ceremony necessary for families to agree on marriage and for newlyweds to receive parental blessings. During this ceremony, various signs and customs were observed, the number of which influenced happiness and wealth in family life.

In different parts of the country, the matchmaking of the bride was slightly different, but the general part was the same. Matchmaking consisted in the fact that matchmakers came to the bride's relatives home, and they were seated at the table. Festive treats were being prepared and both sides began to have a long conversation, discussing the most important things along the way.
There were various customs of matchmaking, for example, not showing the bride for a long time, until the day of the show. In some places, there were signs expressing the attitude of the bride. For example, sweeping the floor from the threshold meant the desire to get married, and the direction to the threshold indicated that the matchmakers had to leave.
The matchmaking ended in the afternoon of the show, when the dowry was shown to the groom's family. The girl also had the task of showing herself at her best, but she could only change her smart clothes three times. When the bride was over, the bride's mother brought the groom intoxicated honey in a mug. It was believed that if a guy took one big sip, in which he drank honey, then he agreed. If he drank a little, it was implied that he and his family were not in the mood for marriage.
The implication was that gifts for the matchmaking of the bride were given from both sides. From the side of the groom, any jewelry was presented, but the bride had to make gifts to the entire family of the groom. The future mother-in-law and relatives of the guy were given beautiful scarves, the father-in-law and male relatives were given linen for shirts.
Modern matchmaking on the part of the bride is somewhat easier, if only because matchmakers come when they are expected, and no one is going to refuse them. In a modern setting, the bride is faced with the task of being remembered by the matchmakers in a positive manner. You can prepare a dowry by sewing something traditional and festive on your own. Now matchmaking can be seen as an excuse for gathering future relatives in order to find out the details of life and future plans. It is desirable for the bride, as in the old days, to look like a future mistress, avoid alcohol and behave with restraint.