Shrovetide is practically the only pagan holiday that is celebrated to this day. Every year, millions of Russians organize mass festivities and hospitable evenings, have fun and drink tea with ruddy pancakes this week.

When is Maslenitsa in 2016?
This year, Maslenitsa is somewhat late and will begin before International Women's Day, namely on March 7 and will end on March 13.
Since ancient times, it has been assumed that after the pancake week spring comes, the days become brighter and longer, and winter says goodbye to us.
What to do in pancake week
On Monday (March 7), it is necessary to meet Maslenitsa, make a stuffed animal of it and put it in a prominent place in order to burn it on Sunday. Housewives should start baking pancakes and not forget that "the first pancake that came out lumpy" must be given to the poor.
On Tuesday (March 8), it is customary to "flirt" with newlyweds. And for the rest, arrange merry festivities: ride sleds and horses, play with snowballs and slide down the ice slides.
On Wednesday (March 9), you need to call the guests to "treat" them with something tasty. To do this, you need to beautifully set the table and put on it such dishes as ruddy pancakes, juicy gingerbread cookies and baked pies. A samovar with hot tea will become an obligatory attribute. If you have a son-in-law, you must certainly invite him to visit and treat him to "mother-in-law pancakes".
The wide Pancake Week will begin on March 10 and will last until March 13. On Shrove Tuesday, it is customary to "walk at full speed": arrange festive singing, participate in fun contests and lead large round dances.
On Friday (March 11), the son-in-law must in return invite his mother-in-law to visit him and treat her to pancakes.
On Saturday (March 12), it is advisable for daughters-in-law to prepare goodies and gifts for her husband's sisters and invite them to visit her.
The last day of Maslenitsa will be March 13, popularly nicknamed "Forgiveness Sunday". On this day, people say goodbye to winter, burn an effigy of Maslenitsa and ask each other for forgiveness from all their friends and relatives. This day will be the culmination of the entire Pancake Week.
Some Shrovetide traditions:
- it is not recommended to eat any meat products;
- the main dish and the symbol of Shrovetide are pancakes, which should be on the table in every home;
- you can not swear with your friends and close relatives;
- throughout the whole Maslenitsa, you need to visit, eat up and have fun thoroughly; after all, on March 14, the strictest fast of the year will begin - the Great, which will last until Easter.