Shrovetide is an old pagan holiday adapted for Christianity. This is the farewell to the annoying cold winter, and the last week before Lent. Pancake is a symbol of Shrovetide - round and bright like the sun.

So that the holiday does not come down to the usual eating of pancakes, you can hold fun contests in a forest glade, in which both children and adults will be able to participate.
Cut out circles with a diameter of about 25 cm from thick cardboard - they will represent pancakes. Instead of mugs, you can take plastic plates. Participants are divided into 2 teams. At the start, a stack of "pancakes" is placed in front of each team. In the first round of the competition, the "pancakes" must be carried to the finish line one at a time, squeezing between two sticks-holders. Sticks can be held in both or in one hand, as desired. Each participant carries a "pancake", goes back and gives the holder to the next one. The first team to move all the pancakes wins.
In the second round, the "pancakes" are required to be moved back, by squeezing them between the knees. Here the participants will have to cover the distance by jumping.
In the third round, the participants are tied in pairs to each other by the left and right legs. Each pair takes one pancake and carries it from start to finish. The next pair starts when the previous one has finished.
Draw 2 large circles, mark their center and ask the teams to throw "pancakes" at marksmanship from a distance of several steps. The distance will depend on the wind and the severity of the pancakes so that they are not carried far to the side. The team whose circles are closer to the center will win.
If there is sticky snow on Shrovetide, hold a competition for the best snow sculpture. The winners can be determined in several nominations: for the most unusual sculpture, for the most beautiful, for the largest … The main thing is that each participant should feel himself a creator and receive his portion of praise.
Tug of war is a traditional Russian sport. Just make sure that the rope is strong so that there is no injury.