In the Christian tradition, it is customary to call children by the names that are found in Orthodox saints. That is, the child is given the name of a saint who, after receiving holy baptism, becomes the heavenly patron of a new member of the Church of Christ.

The name Lydia is quite popular not only among the Russian people, but also in other eastern countries professing Christianity. Women with this name have their own patron saint. In the Orthodox calendar there is only one saint named by that name. This is the martyr Lydia, who lived in the second century - at the time of the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire.
The memory of the holy martyr is celebrated in the spring: two days before the great twelve feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, namely on April 5th. Thus, Lydias celebrate their name day on this day.
From the life of the holy martyr it is known that she suffered for the confession of Christianity together with her pious husband Philetus, who was also numbered among the saints. Lydia's spouse was one of the Roman dignitaries during the reign of the powerful state of Emperor Hadrian. Despite the fact that Adrian was a worthy ruler of the state, his attitude towards Christianity and his unremitting attitude to the rejection of many pagan gods resulted in another wave of persecution.
From about 117 to 138 AD Philetus and his wife Lydia suffered for their acceptance of the apostolic message and their faith. The couple were beaten with steel bars and then thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil. In the days of ancient Rome, such torment was especially common. But the Lord preserved his righteous in such a way that the boiling oil did not harm the martyrs. Thinking about the next upcoming torment, Lydia and her husband prayed to God for a peaceful end and strengthening in faith. The Lord accepted the prayers of the saints and they ended their earthly life without waiting for the subsequent violent murder.