Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays. Catholics celebrate it on December 25 and continue to celebrate until January 1. Each of the days is dedicated to the memory of a certain holy great martyr or a biblical story.

Step 1
Try to get together with the whole family, this is how Christmas is traditionally celebrated. Fasting begins 4 Sundays before. Its last day is December 24 - Christmas Eve. On this day, you need to dress up a Christmas tree and decorate your house with Christmas paraphernalia. Place Bible posters on the walls, hang a Christmas wreath on your front door, or place it in the center of your holiday table. According to tradition, the walls should be decorated with coniferous branches and berries. Hang stockings on the tree, inside of which gifts for the whole family should be hidden. Children will especially like this Christmas tree decoration.
Step 2
Christmas Eve is the strictest day of fasting, so it is recommended to abstain from food. You can start a festive dinner with the appearance of the first star in the sky. The main dish on the table should be juicy. There is no single recipe, everyone prepares this dish according to their preferences. The classic cooking method looks like this: take a glass of wheat grains, rinse them well with warm water. Place the wheat in a pot and cover with 2-3 cups of water. Put the juice in the oven for 1, 5 hours. Mix cooked wheat with raisins, dried apricots and nuts. Pour the resulting dish with a mixture of honey and water, taken in equal proportions and brought to a boil. Prepare the rest of the dishes on the Christmas table as you see fit. The traditional ones, apart from sochiv, include only baked goose or duck and pudding. However, keep in mind that you can only eat lean meals before Christmas.
Step 3
Get the whole family to church at Christmas. At home, before that, light a large candle, it symbolizes the victory of light over darkness. It's best to continue celebrating the next morning. Start with gifts. Traditionally, gifts for the whole family should be of the same value and are drawn by lot. It is advisable to spend the day playing family games that require ingenuity and team concentration. This will help you unite even more. The culmination of the celebration should be a family dinner.