Every year thousands of tourists come to Holland - a country with a lot of attractions and an interesting history. Among the things to see in Holland are numerous museums and exhibitions, for which you need to purchase tickets. The days of historical heritage, during which the doors of cultural institutions are open to everyone, will help significantly save money.

These holidays are held annually, on every second weekend in September, so you need to look at the specific dates in the calendar of the current year. Another name for the holidays is Open Monumentendag. These days, hundreds of historical buildings and cultural heritage sites can be visited free of charge. At the same time, only on these days, some of those institutions that are usually closed for visits are opened for outsiders. The excursion program with the participation of guides allows you to learn the history and culture of Holland from the inside and is absolutely free. This event is usually attended by up to two thirds of all Dutch municipalities, so during this period tours to Holland are purchased by up to a million tourists.
Every year the main theme of the days of historical heritage changes, in addition to the opening of museums and archives, festivals, historical reconstructions of events significant for the country and other cultural events are held within the framework of the program. As the only drawback of such a program, it can be noted only that it is physically impossible to visit all interesting places in two days.
In order to visit this cultural holiday, you need to go to Holland. This can be done in two ways: independently or with the help of a travel agency. In the first case, holidays in Holland will be possible upon receipt of an entry visa. She requires a foreign passport, which expires no earlier than three months from the date of return, two photographs, round trip tickets, documents confirming the presence of a hotel reservation, payment of a consular fee, a compulsory medical insurance policy and filling out a special questionnaire. All these documents are submitted to the Dutch Embassy.
If you want to be more confident in the quality of your vacation, you should entrust it to a travel company. In this case, its employees will not only help you choose the most suitable one, but will also help with the preparation of all the necessary documents. But you need to start collecting them in advance, otherwise you may simply not have time to get into the country by the second weekend of September.