It is unlikely that now it will be possible to absolutely accurately establish the name of the person who first came up with the happy idea of turning the mango holiday into an International Festival. However, since 1987, this colorful event has been held annually in Delhi with the support of the highest structures in the leadership of India.

Among the organizers and curators of the International Mango Festival in India, the Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation (DTTDC), subordinate to the Ministry of Trade and Industry of India, the Administration for the Development of the Export of Agricultural and Groceries (APEDA - Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development) Authority), The National Horticultural Board (NHB) and New Delhi City Council. However, how could it be otherwise, because for India mango is a national symbol along with the Bengal tiger or the lotus flower.
Hindus revere this fruit as a sacred plant - the personification of health and abundance. According to ancient legend, mango appeared on the land of India with the participation of the Buddha himself - the fruit was sent to him at a time of painful meditation. After satisfying his hunger, Buddha told his disciple to plant a bone, and then washed his hands right above this place. As the legend says, a sprout immediately peeped out of the ground, which soon turned into a beautiful tree - the "king of fruits". However, holding the International Festival for Indian citizens is not only a tribute to religious traditions, but also a way to get specific economic benefits.
More than 1365 varieties of mango are registered in the world, more than 1000 of which grow on the territory of the Indian state. And no less than 500 species and subspecies of this "king of fruits" are shown annually at the Delhi Festival. Visitors to the festive events can not only appreciate the external and taste differences of different varieties in the colorful display windows of farmers from different parts of the country, but also taste culinary masterpieces of mango, skillfully prepared by local and visiting chefs. And many recipes will seem truly amazing to Europeans - after all, hardly anyone else would have thought that mangoes can, for example, be boiled or fried.
The holiday is not limited to just tasting exotic dishes - the program of the Festival includes many different contests, quizzes and simply colorful events, accompanied by music and dances traditional for India. Delighted tourists carry their impressions of this action all over the world, along with the impressions, recipes for dishes are spread. As a result, the demand for this fruit is growing on the territory of other states, and India may not be afraid for the volume of mango exports, and, consequently, for the income of its farmers.
Other Indian states and cities also hold their own mango festivals. Like many holidays of this state (and there are many of them in India) they are held according to the lunar calendar, so the exact dates of the events change every year. In 2012, the Delhi Mango Festival could be enjoyed for 4 days - from 5 to 8 July inclusive.
If you want to visit the International Mango Festival in Delhi or a similar holiday in another place, you can find the necessary background information on the websites of the Tourism Departments of the respective Indian states, on the official page of the DTTDC, in the festival profile in social networks and on numerous other Russian and Indian Internet resources.