The heroes in the photographs on May 9 are veterans, the military, the elderly, crowds with carnations and flags. There can be tears and smiles in the frame. But for the pictures to be expressive, the photographer must be very observant.

Step 1
First of all, set yourself a task. Think about what you want to capture in your photos: the faces of veterans, the mood of the people, the mass of the crowd, or some unusual scenes. Depending on the tasks, you can give different recommendations. But there is the main warning for a photographer who goes to photograph any mass event - a procession, rally, parade - to take precautions. You should not go into the midst of the crowd in uncomfortable clothes and shoes. Scarves, shawls, hanging clothing accessories can play a sad role in a scuffle, crush.
Step 2
Prepare your camera for outdoor shooting conditions. Batteries must be "freshly charged" and there is sufficient space on the memory card. Otherwise, at the most inopportune moment, these little things will let you know about themselves. Wipe off dust from the lens. Take a handy photo bag that won't get in the way of you and those around you in the crowd. When in the midst of people, protect the lens and the unit from bumps and scratches.
Step 3
Most photographers sooner or later face the question: who and what do I have the right to photograph? So, on the street, during the parade, you can easily take any shots, if the people around you do not mind you directly. However, any person can ask you not to shoot him or remove the frame with his image, and you must obey, as this is his personal right. But it rarely comes to that. If the photographer is friendly and smiling, then people themselves will ask to photograph them.
Step 4
The specificity of such an event as Victory Day on May 9 is that there are many elderly people, as well as people in uniform. Portraits of veterans can be very expressive if you have time to pick up sincere emotions. If possible, bring a telephoto lens with you, it will help you take a picture of a person from a distance and unnoticed by him. As for people in uniform, there are no prohibitions here. However, they, like any other participants in the parade, may be opposed to you taking pictures of them. Before arguing with them, consider whether the skirmish is really worth it.
Step 5
Select a high point on the ground to show the scale of the event. Climb up the children's ladder, shop, take general pictures of the crowd "from above". Do not cut off the red flags, which are usually a lot on this day, with the border of the frame. It may not look good compositionally. But flags, since they are very geometric, can, on the contrary, be a very interesting compositional solution. Their red color attracts attention, so it is better if the rest of the objects in the frame are not too variegated. Observe people. See how children, families, young people behave. Be careful and keep your camera ready.