For any child, a birthday is a special holiday in which there will be a lot of laughter and fun, many pleasant surprises and surprises. And the task for adults is to make this day such that he can remember these wonderful moments throughout the year.

Step 1
Preparations must be started in advance, at least two weeks before the scheduled holiday. Be sure to discuss with your child who he wants to invite, and offer to make invitation cards with him. He will be happy to do something with his own hands, and guests will certainly be pleased to receive these invitations.
Step 2
The party for the baby should start in the morning. While he sleeps, you can cut daisies out of paper and lay them out on the carpet, decorate the room with balloons, and put a basket with his favorite treats next to the crib.
Step 3
Do not forget to prepare the room where the fun will take place - free up space as much as possible by pushing unnecessary furniture into the corners. It is better to cover sofas and armchairs with some kind of blanket, because a children's party is a real tornado! Do not limit their freedom, let them frolic from the heart. Hang garlands and balloons, and in front of the entrance, for guests, hang a colorful poster: "Welcome!". If the means and imagination allow, then you can convert the room, for example, into the deck of a ship, or into an old castle, or into a country through the looking glass. Children will certainly like this idea very much.
Step 4
The menu does not necessarily include salads and hot dishes; children will be delighted with fruits, ice cream and cake. Instead of elegant and expensive wine glasses that can accidentally break, get multi-colored disposable tableware. Use a variety of flags and umbrellas as table decoration. The cake must be with traditional candles.
Step 5
Meet the guests together with the birthday boy, be sure to cheer up each of them, noting how good they look.
Step 6
Of course, at any children's party there should be a lot of games and contests. Such a game as a treasure hunt is very exciting for children. The point is that something is hiding in a certain place.
Write a note indicating the location of the next entry, and so on - until the children get to the treasured treasure.
Step 7
Also, do not forget to include more outdoor games in the program, otherwise the energy of the guys will be directed in the wrong direction. As a result, half of the apartment will be “destroyed”. It all depends on your ingenuity, but do not forget that all children must leave your party with the prizes they have won, so worry about purchasing them in advance.
Step 8
Like any holiday, a birthday should also have its culmination. It can be fireworks, flying a kite, etc. The main thing is that the child is interested, and then for sure - he will remember this evening for a long time.