The godmother is the second mother for the child and a welcome guest in the house, because she always brings some kind of sweetness and toy. Of course, it will be useful to congratulate your goddaughter on all the holidays. But first of all, the godmother must remember the birthday of her "ward".

Step 1
If you don't remember exactly, then find out when the goddaughter has Angel Day, that is, the day of the saint, whose name was given to her at baptism. Usually this is the day of baptism or a day not far from it when this holy name is worshiped. You can find this information here
Step 2
Be sure to buy an interesting gift for your goddaughter. It can be a toy or a piece of clothing. Of course, you should take into account the age and interests of your goddaughter, because the most important thing is that the gift should interest and make the young birthday girl happy.
Step 3
Go shopping. You can find everything in them: from a book with bright pictures and applications to a children's game that the whole family can play. If you give a family game, then by doing so, you will give the child additional communication with the parents. And if you decide to opt for clothes, then try to guess with the size. Better even buy a thing a little more, then the girl will definitely use your gift.
Step 4
Don't forget to get some sweets. If you don't know the birthday girl's tastes very well, buy several types of sweets or milk chocolate. And if you are not strapped for a budget, then order a cake at a pastry shop. It is possible to make cute images on the cake in the form of animals, fairy-tale characters, toys. Usually a catalog of photographs is provided. Among them, you can choose the most vivid drawing that matches the character of the child. Having come to visit with such a cake, you will surely see delight and gratitude in the eyes of your goddaughter.
Step 5
If you are a creative person, then prepare a festive program for your goddaughter with funny rhymes and funny competitive games. You can find game scripts on the Internet or remember your children's entertainment. This will be very interesting for children, because modern children know little about the games that today's adults could play for hours.
Step 6
Take on the holiday multi-colored paints designed for painting on the body. Children will be able to draw their favorite images on their cheeks and hands. Not only children, but also adults will be able to participate in such fun. The children will be especially happy if the elders are allowed to draw a flower or a butterfly on their face. Such holidays will be remembered by the girl for many years, and she will always warmly remember her godmother.