From early childhood, many girls show such traits as refinement, a desire for beauty, a desire to surround themselves with beautiful things. That is why parents should treat their daughters more affectionately, more attentively, give them the opportunity to feel their importance. Girls are more vulnerable than boys. It is worth remembering when organizing a holiday for a little princess.

Step 1
In order for the girl's birthday to be successful, you need to check with the hero of the occasion how she sees this day, how she would like to celebrate it, and with whom. To avoid misunderstandings and resentments, you need to ask the girl about the gift she would like to receive. Sometimes, when voicing this question, parents begin to understand how limitless the child's imagination is. If adults are sure that the child's dreams are more reminiscent of dreams, you should openly talk about this with your daughter and explain exactly why this gift cannot be received for his birthday. Perhaps a reasonable compromise can be found in the conversation. Finding out the situation with the gift is a very important element of the holiday, since it is the gifts that children expect most, and the non-compliance of the gift with these expectations can turn into a real disaster with children's tears and spoiled mood.
Step 2
If it is decided to celebrate a festive event in a children's cafe, parents need to book a room in advance, choose a menu for guests and take care of the services of a children's animator. Children's holiday should be fun and memorable, so its scenario should be thought out to the smallest detail.
Step 3
Involve the little hero of the occasion in organizing the holiday, let her feel like a real hostess. Together with the child, you can develop the design of the invitations, or, if necessary, allow the girl to call friends on her own and invite them to the holiday. The child will undoubtedly rejoice at this opportunity, because it will make her feel like an adult.
Step 4
Another moment that the child simply cannot but like is the joint decoration of the house. This will give the girl special joy if her own ideas and wishes are taken into account. For example, let her choose the color and shape of the balls. You can build a huge bouquet with your daughter from special balls, hang flags and posters.
Step 5
It is imperative to discuss the menu of the festive table with the birthday girl. Discuss what the cake should look like, which cakes and candies are best to choose. Let the girl take a direct part in the process of organizing a children's banquet.
Step 6
Much attention should be paid to the girl's side. After all, on this day, the birthday girl should look great. Talk to your daughter about what dress she would like to wear, what hairstyle she wants to do. And if you are planning a thematic children's party, then take care of a beautiful costume for your daughter.
Step 7
An entertainment program must be carefully designed. After all, a boring holiday is unlikely to be remembered for a long time. In the warmer months, you can have an outdoor party so that the children can frolic, and if you plan to spend a holiday in a cafe, then discuss the specifics of the party with the organizers of children's parties. If, for example, a girl dreams of a holiday in the style of a fairy or princess, then she is unlikely to be pleased with the idea of a party with gnomes or Baba Yaga.