Not only children, but also adults are waiting for their birthday. After all, this is a wonderful opportunity to gather all your friends, acquaintances, relatives. Each birthday person has a godmother or godfather, who are second parents to him. It is from them that he expects not only entertaining gifts, but also beautiful words.

Step 1
Try to buy an interesting gift for your godson. Of course, pay attention to the birthday person's age and interests. You want your gift to please the hero of the occasion. On this occasion, you will have to go shopping, and spend a lot of time on this process.
Step 2
Do not forget to attach sweets and goodies to the gift.
Step 3
Talk to the godson's parents and, if they don't mind, put together a holiday program. The godson will be very pleased that his second parents, like little children, frolic with him. For this reason, you can even "return" to your childhood and remember the games that you played.
Step 4
If you want to make an expensive gift for your godson, talk to the child's parents. Maybe they can tell you which souvenir is best for their baby.
Step 5
How surprised your godson will be if he hears from your lips an interesting poem dedicated to him, and you are the author of it.
Step 6
You can also invite a clown for the holiday. He will be the host, amuse the children, and come up with interesting contests for them.
Step 7
Children love balloons, so bring them with you to the party. But it is not necessary to inflate them in advance, this can be done with the godson.