The fish is very well aware of the upcoming weather change. Therefore, fishermen, one way or another, will have to adapt to these changes.

Unambiguously answer the question: "What kind of weather does the fish bite best of all?" - impossible. Too hot or too cold weather can be depressing for most fish.
Before a thunderstorm, the biting of some species of fish noticeably worsens, but the biting of trout improves very well.
When the weather gets colder, carp fish peck better, but pike, perch or pike perch almost do not react to changes in the weather in a negative direction.
But the generally accepted rule can be considered the following: in hot, completely calm weather, with a full smooth surface of water, fishing will be less successful than with a little rain, cloudy weather and small waves in the pond.
The wind saturates the water with oxygen, and the fish cannot live without oxygen. But with an easterly or northerly wind, it is quite difficult to count on successful fishing. Since in Russian latitudes, the north wind brings cold, and the east, on the contrary, depressing heat for fish.
But oxygen enters the reservoir not only from the atmosphere. Here vegetation also plays a significant role. In the dark, aquatic plants absorb oxygen, and in the light, on the contrary, produce it. Therefore, in the early morning hours, if there are a lot of algae in the reservoir, and they absorb oxygen during the night, the fish leave such a place. Only crucians remain, which are less whimsical to oxygen.
In many ways, it all depends on the reservoir in which the fishing takes place. Each fisherman has his own signs associated with the state of the environment. It is very long to list all the signs. Over time, every beginner becomes an experienced fisherman who, with the help of observation, can easily guess the behavior of the fish in a given weather.