Fishing will be divided like the seasons into 4 types. Each species has its own baits, places and methods of fishing. Success in fishing determines the fisherman's good knowledge of the fish spawning time, feeding hours, as well as the competent use of fishing equipment.

Take a close look at what time of year the fish prefers which bait. For closed reservoirs, the best attachment is wheat or rye bread, dough, millet porridge, bloodworms. And in the middle of summer on the river for many species of fish, grains of oats, pearl barley, wheat, pre-steamed, will be a good bait.
If the bait falls on the muddy bottom, the fish will not notice it, and you risk sitting on the shore to no avail until you change the fishing spot. Choosing the right fishing gear is not enough to catch fish. Examine the places where fish are used to looking for food. After rains, many non-predatory fish species come close to the shores of the reservoir to catch food particles from the streams of rainwater rushing into the reservoir.
The habits and habits of fish may differ in each body of water. Study them carefully to determine the best place and time for the fish to feed heavily after spawning.
Affects spawning time and water temperature. Accurate knowledge of the reservoir (whirlpools, pits, snags, pits and others) will allow you to determine exactly where a fish of a particular breed may be.
There are a huge number of methods and types of amateur fishing, but the most common is fishing with a line. There are summer fishing rods and winter fishing rods, and both types have many subspecies, different in design. The methods of catching the share of each rod are also different.
It is the hardest to fish in clear water. Tackle for such fishing should be invisible, which is sometimes achieved by coloring the leashes and the forest to match the color of the water. Choose the lightest hooks and floats. Tackle manufacturers are releasing rods that are lighter, more comfortable and more practical, making the hook-up process easier for the angler. The use of small hooks will allow you to immediately notice the most accurate bite of cautious fish. Modern tackle is thin and light, however, in the case when you expect a bite of larger fish, it is allowed to use a stronger tackle.
The correct timing of fishing plays an important role in successful fishing. The fish is sensitive to sharp, sudden sounds, so beware of striking the water with the rod, loud knocks on the bottom of the boat or on the shore. The fish will instantly disappear into the depths. Even the shadow of the fisherman scares the fish away. Try to fish in such a way that your shadow does not fall on the water near the floats. In quiet waters, the fish are especially careful, they are used to picking up fallen food from the bottom and the unusual location of the food will alert it. But in the river, the fish are used to rushing for food against the current. In places with natural noise (near railway crossings, dams), the fish is accustomed to sounds and even a quiet conversation will not frighten it off.
By carefully studying the reservoir, choosing the right rod, tackle and nozzle, you will avoid the typical mistakes of a beginner angler.