Many people associate weekends at the dacha with labor - planting vegetables, weeding beds, cleaning the territory. But if you show your imagination, a summer cottage in the fresh air can become the most beloved for all family members, because it will give a lot of joy and new impressions.

Step 1
Even if you are determined to work, arrange a competition for the cleanest weeded bed or the fastest hilling potatoes. The main thing is to present this gardening duty not as a duty, but as an interesting competition for strength and dexterity. Or maybe this year each family member will plant his own personal garden bed with those vegetables, flowers or berries that he wants, and will take care of it. Let the owner of the most well-groomed and most productive garden receive a symbolic diploma or prize from you.
Step 2
If there is a sandbox at the dacha, and you have free time from weeding the beds, build a sand castle or some interesting simple figures with the children. This develops imagination, children's motor skills, contributes to the rapprochement of all family members. Together, come up with the history of the castle, who would live in it and at what time. Take a photo of your creation and display the photo of your house in a prominent place.
Step 3
If you decide to invite friends and relatives for a barbecue, arrange a tasting of different types of this wonderful meat dish. There are many recipes for steeping meat - in kefir, with vinegar or mustard, with the addition of kiwi and tomato juice. Offer your friends several options for barbecue, and you will choose the most successful recipe, and surprise your friends.
Step 4
If there is a bathhouse in the country, arrange a bath day according to all the rules. Heat a hot oven, prepare fresh birch or oak brooms and go to steam. In between visits to the steam room, drink aromatic tea made from herbs, which, by the way, can also be grown in your summer cottage - mint, lemon balm, cherry or currant leaves. Make homemade skin care products such as masks and scrubs, and apply them to your skin in between. You will see, the pores will be cleansed, the skin will be smoothed, it will become elastic, beautiful and soft, you will feel rested and full of energy. The bathhouse will allow you to completely relax after hard work on the site, and next time you will return to the dacha with pleasure.