Best know how to spend some time without money course students. And since many of us were students, and some of us will not hurt to prepare by this time, we will try to spend the weekend without money in an interesting and exciting way.

It is necessary
Games "Twister", "Monopoly", egg tray, camera, friends
Step 1
Dedicate Saturday morning to a sound, healthy sleep - after a week of work it would be nice to get a good night's sleep. Moreover, the longer you sleep, the longer you will not worry about food. After all, you have no money, and in the refrigerator there are only a dozen chicken eggs. After breakfast with scrambled eggs, spend some time cleaning. Look at old photos in albums, select those that evoke the most pleasant emotions and place them in prominent places.
Step 2
Invite your friends over for the evening. Announce the theme of the evening as "Relaxing, play", informing your friends in advance about the contents of the refrigerator and wallet. So you do not have to worry about your own stomach and the safety of chicken eggs. Ask your friends in advance for the Monopoly and Twister games.
Step 3
Spend the evening with your friends playing games. If none of your friends have Monopoly and Twister, don't be discouraged. There are no less wonderful games "Mafia" and "Crocodile", popular recently. We must give them their due, they are not only popular, but also very interesting and entertaining. You yourself will not notice how Saturday has come to an end, and you are full and cheerful.
Step 4
Wake up on Sunday, when the morning songs of the birds are no longer heard, but the sun is still at its zenith. Pick up a camera and one or more good friends or girlfriends and go for a photo shoot. Do not forget that we have no money, so it is not recommended to go far from home - to return back on foot too. Explore your native surroundings. You yourself will be surprised how many interesting things you did not notice near your home. And the photos will remain as a keepsake of the place where you live now.
Step 5
Visit one of your friends, maybe they will feed you a delicious dinner. Well, if not, remember, eggs are waiting for you in the fridge, which will make a wonderful scrambled eggs. Of course, this weekend is not going to be a feast for your stomach. But then you either remember your student days, or prepare thoroughly for them. And stop being afraid of such a weekend - they can also be spent fun and profitably.