Sun, sand, light sound of the surf - a vacation at the sea can be not only pleasant and relaxing, but also very beneficial for health. It is not for nothing that every year a lot of tourists come to the seaside. Resorts and sanatoriums with a wide range of services and procedures offer their guests a luxurious vacation and, as a result, good health for the whole year. So what is so unique about a wellness holiday at the sea?

Health air
The sea air contains a large amount of iodine, sodium salts, sodium chloride. Saturated with these substances through the breath and skin, the body rejuvenates at the cellular level, the aging process slows down in it. To maximize the effect, the best time for a health-improving exercise on the seashore is after a storm, in the morning and in the evening. While walking, it is best to breathe slowly, gradually filling your lungs with sea air. Having breathed in the coastal scent of iodine, go to the nearest forest, grove, park. The best option is a pine forest. A neutral forest charge will balance the positive charge of the sea, allowing you to relax completely.
Useful properties of the sea
Almost the entire periodic table is found in seawater. But the largest percentage are salts: sodium chloride (table salt) and magnesium sulfate (bitter salt). It is they who determine the salty taste of sea water. Wellness holiday at sea is, first of all, daily swimming in sea water. It is it that improves the functioning of the whole organism. Salt water flushes all the sinuses, providing a healing effect and preventing even diseases such as nephritis and sinusitis. It has been noticed that after a vacation at the sea, people are much less likely to get colds and other diseases during the year. Iodine, contained in sea water and sea air, has a preventive and therapeutic effect in diseases of the thyroid gland, improves brain activity and the memory process. In addition, metabolism is activated, the skeletal system is strengthened, the skin becomes smoother and cleaner, nails are strengthened.
Wellness holiday at the sea - treatments with seafood
Many sea resorts and resorts offer specific "sea" procedures - seaweed wraps, limanotherapy and other procedures. Limanotherapy. Treatment with brine - special water and mud formed in estuaries. The brine contains useful trace elements and substances in large quantities. Lymanotherapy is prescribed for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, low blood pressure. Only a doctor can prescribe this procedure, because she has contraindications. Seaweed wraps: seaweed contains such valuable trace elements as potassium, silicon, iodine, sulfur and magnesium. Therefore, seaweed wraps are considered one of the most beneficial procedures for cellulite and other cosmetic skin problems.