A large number of people go to the forest to completely relax, being alone with the enchanting nature. The aroma of herbs, clean air, rustle of leaves and bright rays of the sun shining through the branches of trees - all this can be enjoyed in the forest, and you can also make berry stocks for the winter. Enjoy the process of picking berries, but also be careful, because not all of them are useful.

It is necessary
- - insect repellent;
- - a plastic bottle or bucket.
Step 1
First, you should dress properly for a hike in the forest for berries. The dress code should be as follows: long pants or trousers with an elastic band at the bottom, a T-shirt or shirt with long sleeves, a hat that will fit snugly to the head (preferably light shades). Bring mosquito repellent with you, it can be a spray, aerosol, or cream. If you are sensitive to bee or wasp stings, be sure to bring an antihistamine with you.
Step 2
Take a guide with you to the forest, who is familiar with the area and will help you go to the berry fields. Indeed, in the most popular places it may turn out that someone has already collected the gifts of nature before you. If you nevertheless decide to go to the forest on your own, be sure to take your cell phone with you, it may happen that you get lost.
Step 3
In mid-June, fragrant and fragrant strawberries ripen, in July you can harvest a rich harvest of healthy blueberries and strawberries, at the end of summer there are lingonberries and blackberries, and in autumn - cranberries. Cloudberries and cranberries grow in swamps. But you should know the safe places, because there are bogs in the swamps.
Step 4
When heading into the forest, prepare the right utensils for picking berries. A cut-necked plastic bottle works best for this. Pass a string through it and hang it around your neck, it is quite light and your hands will be free. A plastic bucket with a lid can also work, it can be used as a chair, because picking berries is more convenient sitting comfortably than bent over on your haunches. Collect forest gifts in a bottle and pour into a bucket.
Step 5
Be careful when picking berries, because in the forest grow not only useful and edible, but also poisonous. A plant with a black berry at the end of the stem is a raven eye. It has especially poisonous fruits and roots, they contain the substance parastifin, which is dangerous not only for humans, but also for cattle.
Step 6
Honeysuckle fruits are dark red in color and sit in pairs on bush branches. At first it may seem that you have found a successful find, but do not rush to collect it - they are inedible. Most often, honeysuckle is planted by summer residents and gardeners as a hedge. You should also know well the berries of the marsh calla. They are red fruits that are collected on the cob.