Cycling is a great joy for many people. It is healthy and completely harmless to the environment. Therefore, cycling will always be in demand among people inclined to a healthy lifestyle.

Bicycles, like any other equipment, are being improved from year to year. Technological progress does not stand still, the bicycle industry is developing and creating more and more perfect designs. Cycling trips are getting more comfortable, but even the shortest of them is a small trip, and during the trip it is impossible to guess what kind of thing you might need.
Therefore, cyclists can always be presented with a useful accessory. The simplest and most unpleasant situation on the road is a bicycle malfunction, which cannot be eliminated with empty hands. Therefore, you need to have at least a minimum set of tools with you. That could be the Fix-It Sticks Replaceable Edition, a portable set of metal parts that can be easily converted into a T-wrench with replaceable tips.
You can buy this gift on the manufacturer's website at a cost of about $ 30.
Another useful gift is a bicycle headlight. It is essential for lovers of night trips, and also useful for those who accidentally stayed behind and have to get home at night.
The most modern bicycle headlights illuminate the road with LEDs, a highly ergonomic light source. Headlights of both famous brands and Chinese counterparts are made on their basis. The latter are much cheaper, and since LEDs are reliable and practical, it is worth considering this economy option.
LED lights aren't just for headlights for cyclists. Lumo manufactures suits with LEDs embedded in the seams. Press the button in the inner pocket and the cyclist will be clearly visible to all road users.
The suits are sewn both for men and women. You can buy them on the company's website for $ 250-400.
In heavy traffic, it is very important for a cyclist that everyone understands what maneuver he intends to make. The Zackees company produces turn indicator gloves. To do this, you just need to press a button, after which an arrow on the glove will light up, which will show in which direction the cyclist will move. Together with the LED jacket, these gloves will significantly increase the safety of the cycling enthusiast in heavy traffic.
Such a gift as a respirator is very useful for a cyclist's health. In a gas-polluted city, he will protect from benzene and pyrene, nitric oxide and sulfur dioxide, black smoke and lead oxide. In short, from many unpleasant airborne particles, including pollen, rapeseed dust, irritants and clay dust.
In the winter season, the respirator will prevent cold air from entering the lungs.
Hand and wrist problems are very common among cyclists. To keep your hands free from cycling, you can use the Powerball exercise toy. It develops hand motor skills very well and strengthens the ligaments. This handheld gyroscope reacts to the rotation of the hand, the rotation speed is measured by a special device, the inductance coil, thanks to the movements of the hand, generates a current that is fed to super-bright LEDs, which makes the process of exercising on the simulator very exciting - the more intense the movement of the hand, the brighter the light.
Well, the most expensive gift in this list is a quadrocopter. It flies behind a beacon worn on a bicycle, has height and angle adjustment. The owner of the bike has 20 minutes to film a fascinating story about his bike ride, extreme riding, etc.
As you can see, manufacturers offer a lot of things to help cyclists. They are designed to make their journeys safe, comfortable and fun. Few of the bike lovers can afford everything at once. Therefore, there is always a useful item that can be presented to a cyclist.