"Hot Summer 2012" is a summer vacation marathon. The editorial staff of the newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva" organized it for readers who love interesting summer travel. The promotion started on May 21.

The journalistic and readership marathon of the Hot Summer 2012 edition began with the onset of a truly warm season. The target audience is those who already know where they will go on vacation, and those who have not yet decided and are still thinking. The authors of "Vechernyaya Moskvy" (both staff correspondents and active readers), within the framework of a regular thematic heading, recommend, first of all, how to choose the best option for traveling with children (here and the climate, food, and vaccinations) and how to find a reliable tour operator so as not to ruin the trip. Within the framework of the marathon, you can also pick up "hot tours" in order to provide yourself with an economical, but high-quality rest.
To become a full-fledged participant in the Hot Summer 2012 marathon, the reader needs to register on the official website of the Evening Moscow - vmdaily.ru - and follow the updates in the section. Users ask questions there and discuss current topics. You can find even more expert advice on the media page on the Internet than in the paper version of Vecherka. On the newspaper's website, representatives of travel agencies, lawyers, doctors and experienced, "professional" travelers who have traveled to many countries communicate with readers. The most active participants in the discussions on the forums are awarded prizes (including vouchers!). Quizzes dedicated to the cities of the world are especially popular.
Correspondents of the newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva", returning from vacations, not only share their impressions with readers, but also give advice that will be needed by those who are going on a trip in their "footsteps". And if readers also want to report how they spent their vacation, they can write a travel review, attach photos and send a letter to the editor. The reports are published under the heading "Hot Summer - 2012".