Having thought out your vacation wardrobe in advance, you can get by with a small amount of necessary things. It is necessary to choose those that do not require onerous care.

It is best to take a set with you: a skirt, trousers, a pair of blouses, a vest, a jacket. Such a set will give you ample number of comfortable and fashionable options.
Take your shoes very seriously. The minimum, which you cannot do without, is strict shoes with moderately high heels and something extremely comfortable for the street.
Comfortable, practical and beautiful clothes and shoes play an important role in the journey. They help keep you in a good mood. Well, and if you intend to visit the theaters during your vacation, then take the most elegant dress with you. Be sure to bring a robe, as well as clothes that can be fully buttoned to protect from the sun.
Any wide-brimmed hat made of fabric, straw, cord will do.
Have you forgotten that it is not safe to walk barefoot on the beach? Look for something light and washable.
Light-protective glasses will preserve your eyesight and protect you from wrinkles.
Finally, don't just put it in your suitcase, but choose the right swimsuit and pareo for you. This is not so easy to do, especially if you want to hide any flaws in the figure. However, in a secluded area, you can sunbathe in whatever minimum of clothes you like. In this case, you must wear a bathrobe on the shared beach.
It seems that you have almost filled your suitcase, there is very little space left for linen, perfumes and cosmetics, and manicure supplies.