Now it has become very popular to celebrate Valentine's Day. Lovers traditionally give each other gifts and special cards in the shape of a heart - valentines. This holiday came to our country from the West and has its own history.

Step 1
One of the legends says that the Roman emperor Claudius II, who lived in the 3rd century AD, issued a decree prohibiting marriage. He believed that the family would distract the legionnaires from the war. But a certain priest Valentin, against the imperial will, secretly married couples in love, for which he was arrested and sentenced to death. The jailer's daughter fell in love with Valentine and he also responded to her feelings, but since they could not see each other, they wrote letters to each other. On February 14, the day of the execution, the priest sent his beloved a last note with the signature "From Valentine". Hence the name of the postcards - valentines.
Step 2
According to another legend, it is believed that the head of the prison learned about Valentine's healing abilities and brought his blind daughter Julia to him. On the day of the execution, Valentine wrote Julia a farewell love note and put a yellow saffron in it. Opening the letter, the girl regained her sight.
Step 3
Another version of the legend is that Valentine's Day originates from pagan times from the holiday of Lupercalia. Even in ancient Rome, Lupercalia was arranged in honor of the goddess of love Juno Februata and the patron god of the flocks Faun (Luperca). Young girls wrote love notes, they were put in a common urn and the men began to draw lots. The lucky man who took out one of these notes had to look after the one who wrote it. This holiday is a bit like the day of Ivan Kupala, which was celebrated in Russia. During it, young people put wreaths on their heads, danced in circles, jumped over a fire, sang songs and got to know each other better.
Step 4
Valentine's Day is a romantic and touching holiday for all couples in love. This day is often chosen for a wedding or wedding. It is believed that the marriage, concluded on February 14, is under the strict patronage of St. Valentine, who will protect the family from quarrels and misunderstandings. Lovers openly express their tender feelings, give each other cards, flowers and gifts, put aside all business and worries in order to spend this evening with their soul mate.