A party is usually understood as a meeting of friends for the purpose of entertainment and relaxation. The time of the event is evening, which corresponds to the name Parties are organized for a variety of occasions. For example, on the occasion of the upcoming wedding, on the occasion of celebrating the New Year, birthday, housewarming, graduation, anniversary from the date of acquaintance.

How to organize a fun party: tips
So-called theme parties are now common. Guests at such events should be dressed appropriately for the stated theme. For example, if there is a pirate party, the invitees must be dressed in pirate costumes or have pirate attributes: wide-brimmed hats, props, and pistols. There are plenty of topics for such parties.
It can be pajama, space, African, circus and knight parties. They also arrange fabulous and children's, beach and medical. What kind of youth does not come up with! The main thing is that it is never boring at such events!
The purpose of the party is communication, relaxation and entertainment.
When arranging such a holiday, it is important to remember some rules of conduct.
Rules of organization and conduct at a youth party
If you are determined to organize a fun party, then try to comply with all the rules of etiquette:
- You are invited to the party in person or by phone. It is not customary to send an invitation through someone else.
- The new guest is introduced to friends, and friends are introduced to him.
- If a feast is organized in a joint arrangement, then the audience should be warned in advance, but not at the event itself. It will be extremely impolite to inform the audience about food prices and expenses for the holiday.
- It is not customary to talk at the table about diseases, money and work. Moreover, if people from different fields of activity have gathered.
- If the invitees brought a cake, candy or alcohol with them, then all this should be put on the common table.
- It is possible that the guests will help the hostess to set the table. This is not forbidden.
- At a youth party, parents can stay at home, but in a different room. Children should not be reminded to keep their parents away from their guests. On the contrary, young people should introduce friends to their parents. It will be best if the children take care of their parents' leisure time and buy them cinema or theater tickets.
- If a large number of invitees are planned, then the owners of an apartment in a multi-storey building should better warn their neighbors about the upcoming event.
- The abundance of food at a youth party is not the main goal. Light salads, sandwiches, fruits, sweets and drinks will be enough. Care must be taken to make it convenient for everyone to take and eat treats. Guests should also remember that snacks are eaten according to certain rules.
The hostess of the house should not stay away from entertainment and engage in washing dishes, setting the table and cleaning during a festive event. The landlord must provide each girl with an escort. And I will give those who are left without pairs either by themselves or by taxi.