Any home party will be boring without interesting games and original contests. Participation in funny contests will surely cheer up everyone present at the party.

Competition "How to get an apple"
This competition will be a godsend for any home party. To play, you need a large basin filled with water. You need to throw a few apples into it. The participant of the competition will have to try to get the apples with his teeth with his hands tied. The winner will be the one who manages to get the most apples.
Statue of Love
This contest with an original name will make your party even more fun and interesting. Several people should be kicked out the door. They are then launched one at a time and act as sculptors. Each "sculptor" is shown a boy and a girl who must be placed so that they represent a "statue of love". This competition provides a great opportunity to dream up a romantic theme. When the pose of the sitters becomes quite perverse, the presenter will invite the sculptor to take the place of a girl or a guy. The next participant must remake the "statue" in their own way.
Mystery Box Competition
This competition will require three large boxes, a sheet, and several unrelated items. So, the presenter must invite three participants for this competition. They have to leave the room. And during this time, the facilitator's assistant should be decorated with lipstick, as scary as possible and put under the table. The under-table space will be covered with a special sheet. And the boxes will be needed in order to cover the head of the assistant presenter and two selected objects. After this preparation, you can start the participants one at a time. The meaning of the competition is that each participant must run across the room at high speed, opening boxes and shouting out their contents. Naturally, the box under which the head of the assistant presenter is hidden will be the last one. When it is found, the effect will be very impressive. It is also possible for the assistant to scream heart-rendingly at the moment the box is opened. The fun from such a competition is definitely guaranteed.
Hairstyle competition
This creative competition will require tons of hairdressing supplies - elastic bands, hairpins, varnish, hair dye, bows, and more. The idea is that the participants will do each other's hair. Everything should be fun and festive. The winner is the one who can do the most interesting hairstyle faster than anyone else. Here is such a funny competition.