The concept of "tusovka" is firmly rooted in modern Russian and means either a group of people gathered together with a specific purpose, or the event itself. This term became widespread with the emergence of hippies, but nowadays the "get-together" is understood not only as an association of people belonging to the same subculture. Today it is any more or less large-scale event, from youth parties to social events, where every guest is a celebrity. The question is not how to get to the place where these people have gathered, but how to become a member of this community.

Step 1
Any big party is not a single organism. It consists of a large number of micro-groups, where all participants share common interests. Members of these groups may occasionally merge or "flow" from one group to another, but that still does not make them one team. You must decide with whom exactly you want to "be friends". If you came to the event by accident or came on purpose, but you do not know anyone here personally, observe people from the sidelines for a while, try to find leaders or the most sociable and "central" people in order to make acquaintance with them. If you succeed, then everything will go on as usual. The main thing is to find common points of contact.
Step 2
Such events are a great place and a way to make useful contacts. It is useful, and not friendly, since the relationships of "hanging out" people are often superficial and rarely pass into the category of "best friends." If you are still looking for friends, join the microgroup that best suits your interests and needs. The main goal of the "party-goers" is to communicate, exchange news and gossip, show themselves and look at others. Remember that not only the party must be interesting to you, but you must also be interesting to the party to become a member of it. Be sociable, informative, helpful to your interlocutors. You will be remembered and next time they will wave their hands and beckon to their company, seeing you at the entrance. Be careful when choosing a topic for conversation with this or that person. Not everyone is interested in the news about the dress in which this or that star was at yesterday's charity concert. If you do not know about the interests of the interlocutor, it is better to talk on an abstract topic.
Step 3
Another important point is appearance. If you love heavy music, but do not consider it necessary for yourself to look the way it is customary in the circle of metal and hard rockers, you will not be killed for this, but you are unlikely to ever become the "soul of the company". If you want to be taken for "your", try to comply with accepted standards.
The main condition for entering this or that "get-together" is a community of interests, similarity of views, dedication to an idea. But at the same time, you should not lose the opportunity to express your opinion if it differs from the opinion of others; you must not lose your sense of freedom and equality (at least relative). Otherwise, you should not even try to get into this get-together, since you are unlikely to get pleasure and, moreover, benefit from such communication.