Relatives and close people always need your care and attention, but women need to please on March 8 especially. A gift bought in advance is a must-have element for the spring holiday of beautiful ladies. But handing flowers and burying your eyes on the TV is not the best option for congratulating your wife.

It is necessary
- - bouquet;
- - present;
- - breakfast in bed.
Step 1
Hide the gift and flowers carefully so as not to spoil the surprise. Try to get up much earlier than your wife to make a festive breakfast. Gently fry the eggs with fried eggs and cut out the flower and heart with the sharp tip of a knife. Make strong coffee or brew fresh tea.
Step 2
Go to the nearest pastry shop for fresh pastries - warm airy croissants will delight your spouse! Cover the tray with a nice napkin, place plates of food, cups of aromatic coffee and a small vase with a flower.
Step 3
Wake up your wife with a gentle kiss, tell about your love for her. Eat your breakfast together, both of you will need strength! Take care of your beloved, bring additives, treat with sweets and serve napkins. Do not forget to wash the dishes on this day.
Step 4
When the wife goes to the bathroom, take out the flowers and a gift so that you can meet your spouse fully armed. Congratulate your beloved on the holiday and embrace in your warm embrace. Ask her how she wants to spend further time. Even if your beloved wife wants to go to her mother, do not deny her this pleasure.
Step 5
Offer a compromise option - stay with your mother-in-law for a very short time, and then go to the premiere of a Hollywood film or sit in a restaurant. Do not sit in the car if your spouse goes shopping. A woman lacks the attention of her beloved man when she tries on a new thing. Treat your beloved one more gift! A set of lace underwear will delight not only your wife, but also you.
Step 6
Say compliments and tender words, carry your beloved in your arms and do not let worries darken this holiday. Do not think about the couch and a bottle of beer, buy a good tart wine and end the evening with dignity by repeatedly proving your love to your wife.