A married man every year, with the approach of the 8th of March, begins to puzzle over the question: what to give his "half"? We must say bluntly: not an easy question! After all, I want the gift to sincerely please my wife, and for this you need to be well versed in her tastes and habits. And if we also take into account that 99% of men do not understand "by definition" in such purely feminine things as cosmetics, perfumes, beautiful underwear, then the husband's position is not easy. Which gift should you choose?

Step 1
You can limit yourself to a standard set: a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates. The main thing is that at the same time kind, warm words must be said, and with an affectionate smile. But, of course, if it is during this period the wife is on a diet, struggling with excess weight, it is clearly not worth giving candy to her. Replace
those them with some simple, but beautiful souvenir.
Step 2
A safe bet is cosmetics and perfumery. Show observation, take a closer look at what perfumes and creams your beloved uses. As a last resort, seek advice from a relative of your wife or close friend. If you have an adult daughter, consider yourself very lucky. She will surely tell you exactly what to buy for mom. And there you should be guided by your financial capabilities. The disadvantage of the “female” version is that the fair sex does not know how to keep its tongues shut. And a relative, and a friend, and even their own daughter - they all can swear that words will not speak to your faithful. But is there a high probability that they will not spill the beans? So, decide for yourself.
Step 3
Without a doubt, a beautiful, tastefully selected ring or earrings will delight a woman. The very minimum is required of you: to know which precious or semi-precious stones your spouse loves and which does not. Well, at the same time, what size ring should you buy. As a last resort, if you even miss the size a little, the ring can then always be stretched or squeezed. The main thing is that his appearance pleases his spouse.
Step 4
If the wife loves travel, and financial opportunities allow, choosing a gift becomes very easy. Buy a tour for two. Of course, at first it would be good to know which country your “half” would like to visit, if there are any contraindications for such a trip, for example, for medical reasons.
Step 5
Well, if your wife is carried away by a healthy lifestyle, is engaged in physical education, trying to regain her former harmony - your gift in the form of a subscription to a fitness club or swimming pool will surely please her and will fit.
Step 6
In short: get creative. And remember, the main thing is not the amount that the gift will cost, but the sincerity of your feelings, gentle words of love and gratitude.