Spend time with your family or go to the club with friends? Come to your hometown or, on the contrary, fly away to the warm sea? You can come up with different scenarios for celebrating the New Year, you just have to choose from the existing one that suits you best for a great holiday.

Step 1
Plan the main holiday of the year in advance, a couple of months in advance. If you come to your senses a week before December 31, then it is unlikely that you will be able to carry out your ideas. For such a short time before the New Year, those who have worried about this in advance have already planned everything. Start negotiating with friends and family, ask them how they would like to spend this night.
Step 2
Define your own holiday scenario. Traditional speech of the president, salad "Olivier" and television programs - this is the most ordinary New Year. If you do not have the opportunity to change anything in this regard, do not be discouraged, ordinary gatherings at home can also be made fun. Play a variety of games with your family, such as Twister or Crocodile. If you believe the saying “As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it”, then on this night you should try to have as much fun as possible and experience only positive emotions.
Step 3
Meet the chimes in the main square of the city. You have probably seen in films how crowds of people loudly count the beats of the clock out loud, after which they cheerfully shout, congratulating each other on the New Year. It is not necessary to be in the capital of the country, in many cities on December 31, central squares are filled with people for a joint meeting on January 1. Here you can go ice skating or make a snowman, if the weather permits.
Step 4
Give gifts to your loved ones. Since childhood, New Year has been associated with miracles and toys under the tree. If the family has a child, try to play up the fact that Santa Claus himself flew in and put a gift under the decorated tree. If you meet the holiday exclusively in the company of adults, this does not mean that you do not need to present each other with pleasant surprises. New Year's Eve is the time when everyone can return to childhood for a while and sincerely enjoy even simple souvenirs. Remember that for a great New Year's Eve, the most important thing is a positive mood and the right company.