Moscow is not only the capital of the Russian Federation, but also the largest city in Europe, with a long history and many attractions. It is difficult to grasp the immensity and visit all the interesting places in Moscow. But there are the most significant sights for Moscow, which you should definitely get acquainted with.

Acquaintance with Moscow, as a rule, begins with a visit to Red Square and the Kremlin - iconic symbols and main attractions of the capital. Famous museums are located on the territory of the Kremlin: the Armory Chamber and the Diamond Fund. Between the Ivan the Great Bell Tower and the Church of the Twelve Apostles, there is the largest cannon in the world that has not fired a single shot - the Tsar Cannon. And at the eastern wall of the bell tower stands the famous Tsar Bell, whose weight exceeds two hundred tons. You should definitely see the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos located on Red Square, better known as St. Basil's Cathedral. It was built in 1555-1561 by order of Ivan the Terrible in honor of the capture of Kazan. On Prechistenskaya embankment, near the Kremlin, there is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, whose history is tragic. Believers should also make a pilgrimage to the Intercession Convent, where the relics of St. Matrona are kept. The Orthodox saint, blind from birth, possessed the gift of foresight and the ability to heal the sick. The flow of people to the relics of St. Matrona does not dry up. According to believers, her relics have extraordinary healing power. You should also visit the Moscow Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, which belongs to the cultural monuments of the 18th-19th centuries. View built by order of Catherine the Great by architect V. I. Bazhenov The Grand Palace in the pseudo-Gothic style. Walk, weather permitting, along the majestic alleys of Tsaritsyno Park with many romantic grottoes, bridges and pavilions. You can go on a thematic excursion and get to know "Mystical Moscow" or "Bulgakov's Moscow", for example. It will not be difficult to find any other interesting excursion or museum in the capital. One of the largest museums in the world, the Tretyakov Gallery, cannot be ignored. It exhibits paintings by artists who are the real pride of Russian fine art.