The natural end of the wedding celebration is the first wedding night. To organize it in a special environment, you need time for preliminary preparation, which many newlyweds simply do not have enough. Therefore, an intimate event turns out to be not at all romantic and, as a rule, it takes place at home. It is very easy to decide on the venue for the first wedding night - by renting a cozy hotel room, but it should be special.

When choosing a room for their wedding night, the newlyweds should pay attention to its location. It should be removed from the hallway, its windows should not overlook the courtyard or a noisy roadway. All this will prevent the newly-made spouses from enjoying each other's company.
Surprise room
Newlyweds will be pleasantly surprised that many hotels provide special rooms for newlyweds, decorated in a romantic style. This room provides a soft and comfortable bed, quiet music, rose petals. Romantics add lots of candles.
When choosing their wedding room, newlyweds need to pay attention to the lighting. It is good if there are several of their sources in the room, with bright and dim light. The latter will make the atmosphere more intimate, you can only use candles for lighting.
Few organizational points
When booking a hotel room, newlyweds need to immediately clarify the estimated time so as not to get into trouble. After all, it will be very unpleasant if the hotel administrator comes to evict the newlyweds early in the morning, when they are still basking in each other's arms.
Another nuance is bed linen in the wedding room. It is desirable that it be soft, pleasant to the touch, but not silky. When ordering a room, be sure to agree with the administrator about the service personnel. Also, the newlyweds should clarify the time of their arrival at the hotel after the banquet. Shortly before their arrival, fruit and light chilled drinks are brought into the room.
Having correctly prepared the wedding number, the newlyweds will get a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.